Building house - how many floors?



Before you decide to built a hose for your family there are tons of things you have to make a decisions on. One of them is how many floors I want or I need to have at my future home.

brown and white concrete house near green grass field during daytime
brown and white concrete house near green grass field during daytime

In most of cases there is nothing to discuss when you need to decide how many floors house to build, but sometimes there is enough freedom to choose. First things to consider:

Regulations - is there any regulations limiting the hight of the building? Does it also how much space of the area can be occupied by buildings?

Size of area - if you have small land and need a lot of space at home go for 2-3 floors building and keep some for backyard, car parking.

orange lights on top of white and red metal bars
orange lights on top of white and red metal bars

If you have total freedom, the limit of floors is only your decision. In this case think about the following:

What kind of houses are around? Your surroundings will tell you which way to go.

What style do you prefer? Is it going to be a log house? Then probably you will have a full ground floor and attic kind on the first floor. If you go for a block or classic style house also a two floor house looks amazing. Modern Hollywood style houses look great with only ground floor, flat roof.

brown and white wooden house near green trees during daytime
brown and white wooden house near green trees during daytime

Good thing about a few floors houses is that you can make separate, more private areas in the house. Basement for laundry room, storage, maybe "man's cave" or kids play area. Ground floor for living area, kitchen, dining room. First floor for bedrooms or only kids area with their bedrooms, living room - playroom for kids and their friends. Also this option is nice if kids are leaving soon to study and only two or one person is staying in the house - you can live on the ground floor only and others will need much less care, only to clean some dust time by time. Downside of multiple floors houses are stairs... It is just not so comfortable when you need to walk up and down a lot, stairs are also not safe for small kids so you need to use extra safety things in the house, it is hard to carry heavy furniture and other things up the stairs, especially if the staircase is narrow with a lot of angles.

white and gray wooden 2-storey house
white and gray wooden 2-storey house

All these down sides of multiple floors houses don't apply for single level house. But it has it's own downsides - same living place in house takes much more land. One more down side that plan of the house is much more complicated to make everything look close enough to walk from one side of house to another. Of course good architect can help you with the planning so you won't have labyrinth of your rooms.

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white concrete house under white clouds during daytime
white concrete house under white clouds during daytime

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