If someone would ask us what is our passion... Well - this is it. We are adding all our best knowledges and experience to this page for others to use it and have their lives easier.

We are young family working and spending our free time for home, interiors and people. Of course we are not sitting home all the time, we are actually traveling and spending most of our time not at home, but we love to have best place in the world to come back. We know that having your own place doesn't make it feel like home, there is so much more to do to make it home. We are here to help people orientate in all the information and give step by step plans and some ideas how to create best home ever.

Little bit more about us :) I am Judita and I am working in best company ever creating wonderful designs, building houses, manufacturing furniture and stairs, decorating peoples homes. My position is project manager so I am not only helping with concept of interior, but also taking care off all the process. My husband Vaidotas is always just behind the door helping with craziest stairs solutions.

It was long way to where we are right now and 10 years ago we didn't even imagined we will be working in best industry ever. It is really challenging, but we love it - a lot of creativity, good communication skills, a lot of technical knowledge and sense of visual looks are needed. We were working in totally different industry, but spending so much free time to get knowledge and learn everything about home that it just became our work. And no - it wasn't our goal, we did it just because we love it. This is how our passion became our daily life.

We are hoping that with this page we can help others to dive in in this amazing world or it will be great guide for everyone who wants to built, rebuilt, redecorate, renovate their homes to get best of it. :)

The team




Comfort expert

